Since its initial launch in November 2019, nearly 100 people from all over Turtle Island joined Postpartum Healing Lodge: The Class online. This strong, resilient community has come together to take a stand for revitalizing and reclaiming Indigenous birth and postpartum care. Wanna join us?

Registration for our next cohort will open in April 2020 with a start date of May 2020! Please check back for more information! 

In this one-of-a-kind, fully online course taught by an Indigenous instructor, you will learn how to use ancestral wisdom to restore health and wellness in the postpartum period.

In this class, you will learn:

  • Cultural teachings about birth as ceremony and postpartum as rite of passage.
  • How to ethically integrate traditional teachings into your birthwork practice.
  • What’s REALLY going on in the body, mind, and spirit after birth.
  • How to prepare healing meals and teas for postpartum health (recipes and instructions included).
  • How to prepare a pain-relieving postpartum herbal bath.
  • How to restore blood loss and support abundant lactation.
  • Cultural teachings for the newborn – including cradleboard, mossbag, and newborn medicine bath.
  • How to serve families who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss.

This course is taught from an Ojibwe Anishinaabe perspective and centers the experiences of Indigenous Native Americans on Turtle Island. This space is intended for Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) only. The course intentionally uses gender affirming and inclusive language in reverence and respect for Two-Spirit, Queer, Trans, and Non-Binary relatives. #Decolonize 

This class is for:

Indigenous and other people of color who are committed to returning ancestral traditions to the communities to which they belong.

Anyone who wishes to heal their ancestral lineage and repair the soul wounds inflicted upon Indigenous Americans.

Anyone who holds knowledge with integrity, free of cultural appropriation.

Pregnant/parenting people, relatives who wish to restore their traditional kinship models, midwives, doulas, lactation counselors, experienced and aspiring birth workers.

Course Format:

  • Downloadable videos delivered to your inbox weekly
  • 8 modules that introduce you to postpartum healing from an Anishinaabe perspective

+In-depth video demonstrations related to module content

+Course companion book with special recipes, study questions, and prompts for your personal growth

+Weekly LIVE video meetings over ZOOM

+Private Facebook community

Here’s what previous course participants had to say about their experience:

“Everything was so completely opposite of mainstream culture and the resources that you are given from hospitals. The most valuable thing I learned/re-learned is that there is more than one way to look at something and returning to your roots/traditions is where the knowledge is. I would never have learned the things in this course had I not taken the course, miigwech!”

“I learned how to better relate myself to my culture and how to relate myself to other women. I learned how to process the trauma of my own story to better serve going forward. I learned about the medicines and how to use them properly and was even able to use some of the medicines for myself.”

“I plan on adding this to my toolkit that I carry with me on the Red Road. Furthering Indigenous knowledge and deepening those roots has always been the goal in this medicine work.”

“Within my family and community I plan to carry what you have so beautifully taught us by continuing to tend to all the elements….earth, air, water, and fire by tending to these elements within our homes and ourselves.”

“It is with great satisfaction to have been a member of your course. You are a Teacher that will never be forgotten!!!”

“Chi miigwech for everything you provided. I feel so much more full than I did prior to this class. I am on a journey to reclaim my traditions and knowledge, and this was an important step in that journey for myself and for the families that I work with.”

Pre-requisites: It will be super helpful (but not required) if you have previously taken either formal or informal childbirth education. This class picks up right where childbirth education leaves off, and while we will be diving deeply into the postpartum experience on a physical and spiritual level, we will not have time to talk about the physiology of birth.

Your community needs you, like, yesterday! Therefore this class is designed to guide you to step into practice right away. Upon completion of the coursework, you’ll be prepared to conduct 1-4 days of specialized postpartum healing care to families of newborns using the foods, herbs, and traditional practices to support their journey. You’ll also receive a foundation of skills to continue learning and deepen your practice for providing care and companionship to families who have experienced miscarriage, abortion, and infant loss.

Whether you’re an experienced birth worker or brand new to this work, I am ready to hold space for your growth as we step into the fullness of our collective medicine.

Questions? Comments? Requests? Please reach out to [email protected] or hit “Contact Me” on my website! Be sure to sign up to my email list to receive exclusive early access to register for a discount.